
Football: The bizarre play of the night came in the Alemany-Garfield game

It was opening night, so you get some inexperienced players making their varsity debuts. That created what Garfield Coach Lorenzo Hernandez described as one of the most “bizarre” moments he has seen in his team’s game against Alemany.

Garfield was in punt formation, and a sophomore player for Alemany’s third-string unit was lost on the field. Players on Garfield’s sideline are good recruiters.

“Come on our sideline,” they told him.

And that’s what the Alemany player did in the middle of the punt.

“It was bizarre,” Hernandez said. “He was hanging out with our guys.”

Alemany Coach James Washington said he’s trying to get his young players experience.

As for what happened to the player, Washington said, “He ran today.”

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