
Have you tried to start a social pod for your child? Tell us how it went

Cindy Carcamo crafts with her 5-year-old daughter at home in Santa Ana.
Cindy Carcamo crafts with her 5-year-old daughter at home in Santa Ana. Carcamo tried to start a pandemic pod for her daughter, but the search for the right family never came to fruition.
(Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times)

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, families have started social pods for their children. Experts say a pod should be small — no larger than 10 people. Others suggest drawing up a contract laying out rules and guidelines. All agreed trust was of the upmost importance. I didn’t get very far, finding myself stymied at every turn. I’m guessing this wasn’t the case for everyone?

Did you start a social pod? If so, we want to hear about it.

Trying to create a social pod so her daughter could again play with her friends led this mom down a rabbit hole of awkwardness, rejection and frustration.
