
The SECURE Act 2.0 Presents Key Differences Over 1.0 Version – Do You Need To Modify a Trust?

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The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act, signed into law in 2019, brought significant changes to retirement account distribution rules. The subsequent passage of SECURE Act 2.0 in December 2022 further expanded and refined these regulations, impacting individual retirement accounts (IRAs), employer-sponsored plans, and estate planning strategies.

A crucial aspect of these legislative changes is the impact on trusts named as beneficiaries of retirement accounts. This article compares SECURE Act 2.0 to prior law and explains why trusts that were designed before its enactment must be modified to align with the new legal framework.

Key Differences Between SECURE Act 2.0 and Prior Law

  1. Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) Age Changes
    Before the SECURE Act, individuals were required to start taking RMDs from their retirement accounts at age 70½. The original SECURE Act raised this to 72, and SECURE Act 2.0 further increased the age to 73 starting in 2023 and 75 starting in 2033. This delay allows individuals more time to grow their tax-advantaged retirement savings.
  2. The 10-Year Rule for Non-Spouse Beneficiaries
    Under prior law, certain non-spouse beneficiaries of inherited retirement accounts could stretch distributions over their lifetimes, allowing for continued tax-deferred growth. The SECURE Act eliminated this stretch provision for most non-spouse beneficiaries, requiring them to deplete the inherited account within 10 years of the original owner’s death. SECURE Act 2.0 did not reverse this rule but introduced clarifications regarding whether RMDs are required within the 10-year window, particularly for designated beneficiaries inheriting from account holders who had already begun RMDs.
  3. Changes to Catch-Up Contributions and Roth Accounts
    SECURE Act 2.0 expanded catch-up contribution limits for older workers and mandated that, for certain high-income earners, catch-up contributions must be made to Roth accounts rather than pre-tax accounts. This shift increases taxable income in the short term while providing tax-free withdrawals in retirement.
  4. Employer Plan Enhancements
    The new law also introduced automatic enrollment and escalation for 401(k) plans, enhanced small-business incentives, and new options for student loan payments to count toward retirement savings.

Impact on Trusts as Beneficiaries of Retirement Accounts

Prior to the SECURE Act, trusts were often structured as “conduit trusts” or “accumulation trusts” to take advantage of the stretch IRA provisions, allowing RMDs to be distributed gradually over the beneficiary’s lifetime. However, under the SECURE Act’s 10-year rule, these trusts may no longer function as intended, leading to unintended tax consequences and administrative issues.

Why Trusts Must Be Modified

  1. Loss of Lifetime Stretch Benefit
    Trusts designed to distribute only RMDs will be ineffective under the 10-year rule since no annual RMDs are required (except for certain cases). This could result in a lump-sum payout in year 10, triggering substantial tax liabilities.
  2. Conduit Trust Issues
    Conduit trusts pass RMDs directly to beneficiaries. Since the 10-year rule requires full distribution by the end of the period, all assets will be forced out within a decade, potentially exposing the funds to creditors, divorces, or mismanagement.
  3. Accumulation Trust Taxation
    Accumulation trusts allow funds to remain in trust rather than being immediately distributed to beneficiaries. However, trust tax rates are significantly higher than individual tax rates, meaning retained IRA distributions could face steep taxation.
  4. Special Exceptions Remain
    Certain eligible designated beneficiaries (EDBs), such as surviving spouses, minor children, and disabled individuals, may still qualify for more favorable distribution rules, but trusts must be carefully structured to ensure compliance with these exceptions.
  5. Sophisticated Planning for Asset Protection and Stretch Benefits – Advanced estate planning strategies, such as using discretionary accumulation trusts with carefully crafted provisions, may allow for continued tax deferral while ensuring asset protection. Special structuring may enable extended distributions for eligible beneficiaries or leverage certain charitable trusts to provide lifetime income while preserving tax advantages.

The SECURE Act 2.0 continues to reshape retirement and estate planning. Trusts that were structured before these changes may no longer align with the new distribution rules, potentially causing unintended tax burdens and limiting beneficiary protections. Anyone with a trust as the beneficiary of a retirement account should review and modify their estate plan with a qualified professional to ensure compliance with the latest laws and optimize tax efficiency.

By understanding the nuances of SECURE Act 2.0 and adjusting trust provisions accordingly, individuals can better protect their assets, reduce tax exposure and ensure a smoother transition of wealth to future generations.
