
Cutting the cord on L.A. County

Re “County dinosaur,” editorial, Feb. 25

Your editorial brings up some valid points about the unwieldiness of the structure that governs L.A. County. Unfortunately, more than a little of that is mandated by the state Constitution. Meaningful change would take a fair amount of heaven-and-earth moving by the Legislature and governor, or a state ballot initiative.

Other aspects of the county’s dysfunction can be laid at the feet of the city of Los Angeles. I hope that the editorial revives talk of secession, but not of the Valley. Rather, it’s about time that the populace begins a serious debate about the secession of the city of Los Angeles from the county as a first step toward becoming California’s 59th county. Such a move would reduce duplication in taxation and services for the city and ease the burden on county government to administer the 84 communities that remain.

As The Times’ editorial says, a much more radical rethinking is in order.


Los Angeles


Yes, Los Angeles needs a complete reconstruction in many areas, especially in county politics. Splitting the county into three sections is a wonderful idea, but, even more than that, we need leaders who are going to make real changes to solve our problems. How can we expect to curb gang activity when we don’t attempt to change the living conditions of the people who time after time fall into gang activity, not to be cruel but as a means to survive. When you grow up in a war zone, you become a soldier or you die -- which one would you choose?


We need someone who is going to look at this place, this desert Eden turned apocalyptic disaster, and see the real problems clearly and address them realistically. If the structure of this county is a dinosaur, then so is our thinking. If we think we can change anything by using the same old useless tactics, then we are closer to becoming extinct than we know.


West Hills
