
Confessions of a Bicyclist

Today, friends and colleagues, after careful thought and extended consultations with my handlers, I have decided that I must reveal to you that I am a bicyclist American. Since early youth, I tried to impose upon my soul the reality of acceptable car culture. I had significant and legally recognized relationships with Suzuki Swift, Volkswagen Beetle and even Dodge Mini Ram Van. Together we rode the highs and lows of oil changes and tuneups. But it never felt right. My truth is that I am both physically and emotionally attracted to two-wheeled vehicles and will no longer deceive myself and others by burning fossil fuel and fouling the environment. Oh, and by the way, I’m gay, but that doesn’t have much to do with anything. So let’s just agree to keep our noses out of each other’s garages and bike lockers as we travel efficiently -- or not so efficiently -- around our great land of civil liberties.

Stephen May

Los Angeles
