
Realtors Need to Accept Reality of Internet Rivals

Oh these poor real estate brokers and agents (“Yahoo Grabs Slice of Real Estate Market,” Feb. 18). Hear them decry the advent of the Internet and some real competition from Yahoo.

Coldwell Banker President Scott Gibson complains, “People can go to one Web site and get all the information they need.”

Hello. This is what the Internet is all about. Sure, brokers and agents would love to protect their fat commissions, which are higher today than ever because of the dramatic price increases, but times have changed.


The Internet is here to stay. Good for the consumer, I say!

The sooner the real estate establishment gets with the program and realizes that there is not really any reason an agent should be assured at least 3% of the sales price for getting the listing, no matter how little the agent actually does to sell a house, the better.

Mathew Kundinger

