
Playboy seen as a destructive cultural force

Re “Playboy at 50: A Man’s Notes,” by Reed Johnson, Nov. 28: Hugh Hefner will go down in history as the father of pornography, the promoter of a sleazy national addiction that warps the minds of the men enslaved to it and that, as a result, has destroyed countless relationships with real wives and girlfriends unable to look like a Playboy fantasy that doesn’t even exist.

He is nothing more than a clever pimp who’s made a fortune turning foolish young women into high-priced whores. That’s certainly not a legacy to be proud of.

Mark Bedor

South Pasadena


Playboy succeeded by disguising our worst instincts in a smoking jacket and cultural pretensions. This helped us to justify our lusts. And it is partially responsible for our near inability as a culture, 50 years after the advent of Playboy, to make and keep our commitments of love to one another.


Andy Comiskey

Yorba Linda


Shocking! Outrageous! Scandal! Not one mention of the late, great Shel Silverstein in “Playboy at 50.” Surely, Shel was Hef’s in-house hipster; his poems, drawings and cartoons were integral to Playboy’s “hip factor.”

Shel always made me smile when I browsed Playboy as a young teenager. Oh, by the way, I only read it for the superb literary content. Yeah, right!

Robert Leslie Dean

Los Angeles
