

Survey Says . . .: “The New York Times poll says 34% of Americans view Al Gore favorably, while 36% have an unfavorable view of him. . . . Poor Al doesn’t know what to do to bring his numbers up [because] Tipper won’t let him have an intern.” (Argus Hamilton)

Say “Cheese”: “Paula Jones is going to pose naked in Penthouse. Just because Clinton did something wrong, why do we all have to suffer? . . . Why would anybody pay $5 to see Paula Jones naked in a magazine? For $5, you can probably get the real Paula Jones.” (Jay Leno)

Been There, Done That: On New York’s Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani--”the guy who took all of the sex out of Times Square has apparently put it in City Hall. . . . And Hillary is apparently very depressed about this. She said: ‘If I wanted to spend the last six months battling an adulterer, I would have stayed home.’ ” (Bill Maher)


Learning New Tricks: “An elementary schoolteacher in Kentucky pleaded guilty to moonlighting as a prostitute. Kind of lends new meaning to the phrase, ‘Boy, my teacher is easy.’ ” (Leno)

Got a joke? Send it to Laugh Lines by fax, (213) 237-0732, or mail, Southern California Living, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053.
