Protect Women--Including the Unborn
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* Eileen Padberg is one of the Republican minority who will destroy the Republican Party (“Gender Gap, Republicans and Abortion,” Orange County Voices, July 9).
Since she is so strongly pro-abortion, she would be welcomed in the Democratic Party. Here are some of her statements that I disagree with:
“To be an anti-choice Republican identifies one as intolerant and rigid.” If I am intolerant and rigid, I thank God for the strength to be against a movement so heinous as abortion. If the Republican Party does not take a strong stand on moral values, I along with many others will leave the party, and the Republican Party will deserve to be destroyed.
”. . . Roe vs. Wade upheld the right of women to determine their free will over their bodies.” Women have the free will to not get pregnant, and if so, they have the free will to become mothers or give the child up for adoption.
”. . . In the last trimester, the interest of the fetus and the mother have equal standing.” If so, why is partial birth abortion supported by the pro-choice people?
“By making women criminals and doctors subject to arrest, the Republican Party is really saying that the fetus has more rights than their wives, sisters and daughters.” I don’t see why allowing a child freedom to live gives it more rights than allowing the mother to live.
“Unless the party finds a way to broaden its base and consider the views of women, it will not become a successful and sustained majority party again.” I would change that to read: “Unless the party finds a way to return to the values of the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution and stop the loss of moral values, it will not become a successful and sustained majority party again.”
”. . . Women will remember in this election--and every election thereafter--if they refuse to protect all of us, without exceptions.” I agree, but “all of us” includes the babies aborted.
* Eileen E. Padberg promotes the fallacy that there is a gender gap on the abortion issue, when the real dividing issue is the child’s right to be born versus the mother’s right to terminate pregnancy. I believe that life is a gift from God and should be cherished as such, therefore I am against frivolous abortions. If a mother’s life is endangered by pregnancy, then and only then should the procedure be performed. There are probably as many women who agree with me as men who disagree.
Garden Grove
* Do not generalize about women’s views. We are pro-life feminists, and there are a lot more of us than you think. We think that women should have the right to make choices about their bodies, but we think this should be extended to all women, born and unborn, no matter where they live (including in the uterus), how old they are (including less than zero years old) or how much money they have. We must put politicians on notice that women will remember in this election--and every election thereafter--if they refuse to protect all of us (including the unborn), without exceptions.
Co-founder, Feminists for Life