
Utensil Parts on Line

Last time we accidentally smashed our Krups coffee carafe into the counter, it took a time-consuming trip to the mall to find a replacement. With Culinary Parts Unlimited, (, our search took just a few clicks, and the rest was up to the package deliverer. In business since 1976, Culinary Parts stocks bits and pieces for 30 brands of small appliances, from Cuisinart to Mr. Coffee. Our carafe cost what we would have paid at the mall, but even the $6.95 shipping fee didn’t sway us from the convenience. Mall-crawling for shoes, yes, but an appliance piece?

Shoppers need to know their gadget’s model number to order parts. We had hoped to spot a picture of our coffee maker and say, “Yes, that’s it!” But better to be before the home computer, where we can dash to the kitchen and look for the number, than at the mall. (The site tells how to find the numbers.) And in case you grow caffeine-starved waiting for your carafe, Culinary Parts offers an order-tracking service as well.
