
What Your Breath Is Saying

“But officer, I only had one glass of wine.”

Ever wonder just what one glass of wine actually does to your blood alcohol level? Now there’s a quick, inexpensive way to check.

Winner International, the company noted for marketing the Club vehicle antitheft device, has introduced a portable, disposable alcohol breath tester that’s now available in grocery, drug and convenience stores.

“The product has been tested extensively, both in the United States and Europe, and it is very accurate,” said Kimberly Clark, spokeswoman for the Sharon, Penn., company.


Consisting of a small, inflatable bag and a calibrated device, the tester measures both the presence of any alcohol in the body and whether the blood alcohol level has reached or exceeded a specified legal limit. Although some states specify .10 as the legal limit, many (including California) have adopted the stricter .08.

Suggested retail price is $3.99 for a single pack and $11.99 for a three-pack. “The single pack is small enough to slip in your purse or pocket,” said Clark.

Although the company hopes the device will eventually be used by law enforcement agencies, right now it is focusing on consumers.


“People need to be proactive in measuring their drinking limits and determining what they can legally handle,” said Clark. The target audience is female, she added. “Our research showed that females are more concerned for the safety of loved ones and more likely to make the purchase. Guys are more macho when it comes to drinking and driving.”

The product was initially named Safe Driver, but focus-group feedback suggested that gave the wrong message. So Winner changed the name to ABT--Alcohol Breath Tester.

“Actually, we don’t want you to drink and drive at all,” said Clark. “Alcohol impairs you.”


Information: (800) 527-3345 or
