
Kidspace’s Impact

Your article on the design for the Kidspace Museum in Pasadena failed to mention many important facts (“Wide-Eyed Wonder, and Perspective,” by Nicolai Ouroussoff, July 4).

As longtime area residents, we were at first supporters of the new museum. Upon further investigation, we have become well aware of the many problems this design could cause.

The negative effects on the existing parkland would include the removal of between 60 and 90 trees, including several native oak trees. A beautiful and historic pergola, laden with wisteria, would be virtually destroyed to provide a paved loading area. Our parkland is valuable to all residents of Pasadena, not just Kidspace.


The museum would be open 360 days a year, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The evenings would be available for rental. This area already includes the Rose Bowl, the Pasadena Aquatic Center and Brookside Golf Course. One can only imagine the additional traffic, noise and auto pollution the museum would bring to the surrounding neighborhoods.


