El Toro Airport and the Public
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* As Irvine mayor, I wanted to clarify certain points in the June 19 article “Airport Poll Finds More Foes Than Funds.”
The article notes that only 45% polled favor a tax increase to stop an airport at El Toro.
The city’s poll questioned South County voters if they would be willing to tax themselves to purchase El Toro to have a greater say in what is built there.
I believe that it is very significant that 45% of the random voter survey respondents would tax themselves, a number which was 11 points higher than those who would not.
This is a clear message that there is extremely strong opposition to an airport by South County voters and that a substantial majority of those opposed would be willing to tax themselves to influence the outcome of the planning process.
Regarding the position taken by those polled on a sports stadium, we know that a stadium built with taxpayer dollars would not receive support in Orange County.
The city would seek to negotiate a property transfer with the Navy which would provide maximum flexibility in allowing the city to work with a developer to realize economies of scale for large developments, and thereby build a stadium without the need for raising taxes.
The article notes that the city tabled its annexation plan. The city did not table its plan. It fully intends to proceed with the annexation.
Mayor, Irvine
* I am dismayed that no one is discussing what could happen to the surrounding areas of the flight paths and freeways if El Toro becomes an international airport.
Were there any studies done about other airports and how the people in the cities coped with problems such as jet fuel exhaust, smog alerts, traffic problems?
People will have to change their lives, schools and homes. The cost to homeowners to move and the loss of equity could greatly ruin their futures.
Where can one go if you don’t even know where the runways are going to be? How much further away can you go if your job is already 35 miles north?
The total lack of consideration for the human beings involved tells me that there must be some real strong personal reasons for one to inflict such havoc on so many. All for the almighty buck.
How sad that all that Orange County stood for will be gone forever.
* South County anti-airport people want to put a measure on the ballot that would require two-thirds vote in order to build an airport, jail or other public projects.
There are very few initiatives that win by that large of a margin. Therefore, how bad will jail conditions, air traffic needs, etc., have to get before two-thirds of the county agrees the problem has become critical?
That is why we have elected officials and a county whose job is to investigate such situations and make early corrections before they become major problems. The proposed, so-called “Safe and Healthy Communities Act” could prove very harmful to Orange County citizens.
Costa Mesa
* If you have been considering that we need another Los Angeles International Airport-type airport in Orange County, please consider the community that surrounds LAX.
Before LAX it was a community with neighborhoods, schools and parks. What is it now? Would you have located in Orange County if you thought it was destined to be another Los Angeles?
Traffic in the El Toro area has always been bad in part because of limited access due to the Marine base. If we opened up the area, as most all of the nonairport plans suggest, there would be many alternatives to the infamous “El Toro Y.”
More direct access via surface streets would lessen the congestion and pollution and would lessen the need for additional toll roads and freeway expansion.
What kinds of jobs will an airport bring? What type of person would buy in an area with constant noise, traffic and air pollution?
Could not the vast amount of land that will go underused as runways, approach and takeoff zones be better utilized for educational purposes, technology centers and recreation?
Dana Point