
Bill Planned on Self-Inspection of Theme Parks

Freshman Assemblyman Lou Correa of Anaheim, in sharp contrast to a fellow Democrat, said that he will propose a state law to allow amusement parks to vouch for themselves that their rides are safe.

The bill would be the second offered to regulate the amusement park industry. On Tuesday, Assemblyman Tom Torlakson (D-Antioch) said he would submit a bill this week, one that would require independent inspections of all parks annually.

Correa, whose district includes Disneyland, said that his bill would allow parks to file sworn statements every year stating that they have inspected and maintained their own rides in accordance with yet to be set state standards.


“The question is, ‘What more can the state do?’ ” Correa said. “I’m not here to legislate for the sake of legislation.”

Torlakson said he opposes a system that allows affidavits swearing to proper self-inspections.

“We want an independent set of eyes accountable to the state of California to verify the safety of the equipment at a park--someone whom the people of California can rely on to be totally independent, who can’t be snowed by paperwork,” Torlakson said Wednesday.


Although their measures are at odds, the two lawmakers say that they hope to work together as the legislation takes shape over the coming months.
