Kenneth Starr
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Atty. Gen. Janet Reno should act to fire Kenneth Starr. I believe he threatens everyone’s civil liberties and even our democracy in his use of illegal wiretapping, leaked information, harassment of witnesses and the dismantlement of attorney-client privilege. The Independent Counsel Act was created to fight the abuse of power, not promote it.
Robert Scheer’s Feb. 2 Column Left, “The Grand Inquisitor Gets Out the Cuffs,” magnificently clarifies and highlights the basic issues of the Clinton controversy. The trepasses of President Clinton’s pale in comparison to the arrogant actions of Starr. Starr poses a dire threat to our democracy, Constitution and national interests.
Clinton, by contrast, has brought about our well-being and enhanced the ideals of our founding fathers.
Scheer asks if indicting Bill Clinton is what the Supreme Court had in mind when it allowed the Paula Jones case to proceed, as it would not interfere with the workings of the executive office.
I am sure that what the Supreme Court had in mind was that Clinton would testify truthfully in the Jones case, in front of a grand jury, and would not try to obstruct justice. Had Clinton done so, he would have avoided impeachment.
RICHARD FAY, Redondo Beach
Starr’s investigations into his own office to determine the source of leaks are clearly a sham, intended only as a public relations ploy to feign concern. If he truly wanted to find out who is leaking the information, all he would have to do is to ask each member of his staff to waive any confidentiality agreement they might have with the New York Times. Starr would have to also give such a waiver. Those who haven’t leaked have nothing to worry about!
Regarding Scheer’s personal attack on Judge Starr, did Clinton commit perjury when he testified under oath that he couldn’t remember being alone with Monica Lewinsky? Is perjury a felony? Is a felony punishable by law? Is Clinton above the law? I don’t think so. What does job approval rating have to do with it?
BILL SIMPSON, Rancho Palos Verdes
If you could generate heat with all of the honesty in Washington, and generate light with all of the wisdom, our capitol would be a cold, dark place indeed.
I, for one, think both parties should be censured.
We now hear that Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch is so afraid of the public perception of a Clinton victory that he is willing to adjourn the Senate [trial], then get 51 votes to find the president guilty of wrongdoing. It took the Republicans over a year to get to this point, and if perjury and obstruction have not been proved, it is their constitutional duty to acquit him. The exit strategies being proposed by Republicans amount to political cowardice, and the people will remember this in November 2000.