
Camera Surveillance

Re “Cameras at Intersections Erode Right to Privacy,” Ventura County Perspective, Jan. 31.

In spite of writer Kent Williams’ protests that camera surveillance is a threat to our privacy, what kind of threat is presented to an innocent public by scofflaws squeaking through a red light?

Laws pertaining to seat belts, motorcycle helmets, smoking in private establishments, etc., etc., have all come about for a simple reason: Our society has not yet demonstrated an ability to appreciate what is, or how to live in, a “free society.”

There would be no need for new laws, surveillance systems or police if abusers were not always at the forefront, making themselves known by their aberrant antisocial actions. We are constantly being “stripped” of our liberties because of disregard for what we have. Someone is always willing to encroach on the liberties of others if it will benefit No. 1--and nuts to the rest of us. We are progressively eroding our freedoms through our own doings.


The notation at the end of Mr. Williams’ tract indicates that he has the power of the pulpit at his disposal. Perhaps he could preach a good enough sermon to bring the scofflaws into line with the rest of society and eliminate the need for cameras and laws to protect us from ourselves.

He mentioned that our country is founded on Judeo-Christian ethics. I believe there is a closer parallel found in ancient Roman law. As for his statement, “I believe that the God of the Bible gave us this great land,” sorry, it didn’t exactly happen that way--we stole it from the Indians.

