
Spanish Teacher to Speak at Annual Congress

* Maricarmen Ohara, a professor of Spanish at Ventura College, has been invited to lecture at the Religious Education Congress, to be held Thursday through Feb. 14 at the Anaheim Convention Center. Ohara will make two presentations in Spanish: “Emphasizing the Importance of Hispanic Culture in Catechism Instruction” and “How Parents Can Be a Positive Influence in the Lives of Their Children.” The annual congress is sponsored by the Los Angeles Archdiocese Office of Religious Education.

Rehabilitation Center Is Granted $6,000 * Khepera House, a Ventura-based alcohol and drug rehabilitation center, received a $6,000 grant from Swift Memorial Health Care Foundation. The money will be used to support clinical supervision at the center’s seven locations.

Women’s Group Announces New Leaders * Ventura Marina Republican Women has installed new officers. They are Betty Johnson, president; Eva Joe Evans, vice president; Irma Schneider, secretary; Suzanne Sheridan, treasurer; and Jean Bennett, parliamentarian.


Awards and Honors is compiled by Rodney Bosch. Please address items to Los Angeles Times, 93 S. Chestnut St., Ventura 93001. Items can also be faxed to The Times at 653-7576 or 653-7548.
