
Questions of Love

1. Who said, “My husband and I have never considered divorce. Murder sometimes, but never divorce”?

2. Which one of the Hawaiian Islands is known as Honeymoon Island?

3. What is the significance of wedding cakes, flower girls and rice at weddings?

4. In the romantic movie classic “Casablanca,” who was nearly cast as Rick instead of Humphrey Bogart?

5. In what two states does the town Valentine exist?

6. What does it mean when you put a stamp on an envelope upside-down?

7. Which famous actress in which movie said, “I’d love to kiss you, but I just washed my hair”?


8. We all know that the 50th anniversary is the golden anniversary. What are the traditional gifts for the third, seventh and 11th years of marriage?

9. Who said, “Sex alleviates tension. Love causes it”?

10. Why was the fourth finger chosen as the ring finger?

Answers: 1. Dr. Joyce Brothers. 2. Kauai. 3. All are fertility symbols. 4. Ronald Reagan. 5. Texas and Nebraska. 6. I love you. 7. Bette Davis in “The Cabin in the Cotton,” 1932. 8. Third: leather; seventh: wood; 11th: steel. 9. Woody Allen. 10. It was believed that a vein in that finger was connected directly to the heart.

Source: Gregory Godek, author of “10,000 Ways to Say I Love You” (Casablanca Press, 1999).
