Nurse Assistant Courses Offered
The local chapter of the American Red Cross will offer nurse) assistant training courses through its Van Nuys office beginning Jan. 15.
The 160-hour, one-month course is approved by the state and designed to train individuals to care for residents of nursing homes.
Upon completion of the course, participants will be qualified to work as Certified Nurse Assistants (CNAs), Red Cross officials said.
For those unable to sign up in January, additional courses will be offered on a monthly basis through June.
All classes will be conducted at the Red Cross’ Van Nuys office, 14717 Van Nuys Blvd.
A $50, nonrefundable preregistration fee is required before the Jan. 6 registration deadline, officials said, and at least half of the $700 tuition must be paid by Monday.
Also beginning in January, the Red Cross is offering a 42-hour course in home health aid training for people who are already CNAs.
The course, which was designed to train CNAs to work with clients and their families to help better meet their clients’ daily needs, will also meet in Van Nuys.
All instructors are registered nurses who have been approved by the state Department of Health Services, Red Cross officials said.
For more information, call the Los Angeles Red Cross chapter headquarters at (213) 739-5263.