
Chief Seeks to Resolve Issue of Panel’s Legal Representation

Los Angeles Police Chief Willie L. Williams told members of the City Council on Wednesday that he would waive any conflict of interest if he and his Police Commission bosses wind up at odds and the city attorney’s office is called upon to provide advice to the commission.

That issue has arisen in connection with the commission’s request for money to pay an outside lawyer to advise it on issues relating to the upcoming expiration of Williams’ five-year term. The commission has asked for an outside lawyer in part because the city attorney has expressed the opinion that its prior representation of the chief might make it impossible for it to represent the commission in any conflict between that board and Williams.

Commission President Raymond C. Fisher said he appreciated Williams’ effort to resolve the issue, but added that he is not sure the chief’s action is enough.


“It’s not clear to me that this is the chief’s alone to waive,” Fisher said. “I don’t think this is one where we should have any doubts.”
