
Parties Draft Hit Lists of Vulnerable

With Congress about to complete its work for the year, both parties are refining their lists of who they see as top prospects for defeat.

What follows are each side’s lists of the most vulnerable incumbents.


The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee sees these incumbents as among the most vulnerable Republicans:

Calif. 22nd District: Andrea Seastrand

Idaho 1st District: Helen Chenoweth

Ill. 5th Dist.: Michael Patrick Flanagan

Maine 1st District: James B. Longley Jr.

Michigan 8th District: Dick Chrysler

N.C. 2nd District: David Funderburk

N.C. 4th District: Frederick K. Heineman

Nevada 1st District: John Ensign

New York 4th District: Daniel Frisa

Ohio 10th District: Martin R. Hoke

Ohio 6th District: Frank A. Cremeans

Oregon 5th District: Jim Bunn

Texas 9th District: Steve Stockman

Washington 9th District: Randy Tate


The National Republican Congressional Committee sees these incumbents as among the most vulnerable Democrats:


Hawaii 1st District: Neil Abercrombie

Illinois 17th District: Lane Evans

Kentucky 3rd District: Mike Ward

Michigan 10th District: David E. Bonior

Missouri 9th District: Harold L. Volkmer

N.Y. 26th District: Maurice D. Hinchey

Oregon 1st District: Elizabeth Furse

Texas 24th District: Ken Bentsen

Utah 3rd District: Bill Orton

Vermont At Large: Bernard Sanders (an independent)
