
Final Vote Set on Daytime Curfew Plan

A controversial daytime curfew ordinance is scheduled for a final vote by the City Council on Monday night.

The ordinance, designed to cut down on truancy and crime, is on the council’s consent calendar but could be introduced for discussion by council members. If approved Monday, the law would take effect 30 days later.

The proposal, which would allow police to issue citations to students who are in public places off campus on school days, won preliminary approval after a lengthy and often emotional discussion earlier this month.


At a hearing, opponents objected to giving authorities the right to stop and question students.

Most vocal in their opposition were home schooling advocates, who said their children are sometimes out and about during regular school hours because their schedules differ from those followed by public and private schools.

Residents also expressed concern that students out of school for religious functions or other valid reasons would run the risk of being stopped by police.


To address those concerns, the council added an amendment that would prohibit police from stopping children accompanied by their parents.

The city’s curfew would be consistent with the state Education Code, which stipulates that students be in school from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on weekdays.

Monday’s meeting will be at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers, 211 8th St.
