
HMO Chief to Discuss Health-Care Reforms

The president and chief executive officer of CareAmerica Health Plans will discuss state ballot Propositions 214 and 216 today at a luncheon of the Woodland Hills Chamber of Commerce.

Robert White, head of the Woodland Hills-based HMO, will give his views of the health reform initiatives, which he opposes. He believes the measures will increase health-care costs for employers and employees if approved by voters.

Proposition 214, if successful on the November ballot, would outlaw gag rules in managed-care contracts that prevent a doctor from telling a patient about a treatment not covered by the patient’s health plan.


Proposition 216 would do the same, and also would establish a nonprofit corporation to be an advocate for consumers. Both initiatives would require a health plan to give reasons for denying care.

The measures, backed by labor unions, consumer groups and patient organizations as reforms to the managed-care industry, are opposed by some of the state’s largest health maintenance organizations.

The luncheon begins at 11:30 a.m. in the Warner Center Marriott Hotel, 21850 Oxnard St. Tickets are $21 for chamber members, $26 for nonmembers.
