
Shooting Shows Police Inadequacy

Re “Slain Suspect Had Prior Robbery Conviction,” Aug. 21:

I am absolutely appalled at the behavior of our Southland police officers. After reading the latest article on another citizen being killed by police gunfire in Orange County, I am ever so much more leery of our police force. Does anyone remember the days when the police were in the business of service and protection, when they would go that extra mile to try to resolve conflicts without violence? When did the conflict management training end?

What is the reasoning behind killing a 71-year-old man with five gunshot wounds? Is it just a lot easier than trying to calm him down? He had a pellet gun that was never fired. Am I supposed to believe that three trained police officers were flat-out unable to find a nonviolent solution to a 71-year-old bank robbery suspect? I never intended my tax dollars to pay for hired thugs.

To add to my frustration, police departments have started advertising job openings. The requirements are laughable. A high school diploma is not required; a GED will do. Citizenship isn’t even a prerequisite--just have an application on file. And don’t worry about being too young; as long as you’re 20 1/2 years old and can pass a test, you can have a promising career with a gun.


I understand we no longer live in the days of Andy Griffith, but has anyone stopped to think that if you hire inexperienced, uneducated children and ask them to patrol communities with guns, there are bound to be problems? Our police force is a vital part of our community; why not truly invest in its future? What would increasing the standards really do to harm us? It might just save our lives.


Santa Ana
