
La Puente : City Buys Transit Funds

The Glendale City Council last week approved buying more than $1 million in Proposition A transportation tax allotments from La Puente and La Habra Heights for about half price.

The purchase is part of a fund drive for a commuter hub at Glendale’s historic Southern Pacific Railroad Depot, 400 Cerritos Ave.

Glendale agreed to pay La Puente and La Habra Heights 55 cents on the dollar for $900,910 in restricted transit funds. The Glendale council also increased its offer to Lawndale to buy $100,000 in Prop. A funds for $52,000, a rate of 52 cents on the dollar.


Smaller cities often sell their restricted Prop. A allotments for unrestricted cash to help pay for needed city services.

La Puente will receive $385,000 for $700,000 in Prop. A funds and La Habra Heights will get $110,500 for $200,910 in transit taxes.

Lawndale rejected Glendale’s offer in July to pay a 47.5% rate for transit funds but will reconsider the city’s new offer at a council meeting next month, Lawndale City Manager Tom Devereux said.


Glendale last month bought almost $1 million in Prop. A money from Cerritos and La Canada Flintridge at almost half price.
