
Female Quota Set for LAPD

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When will the taxpayers in Los Angeles wise up to what’s happening to their Police Department? Every special interest group, both politically and ethically, is forcing its agenda on the department. The latest fad has to do with the mandated 44% quota for female officers within the next eight years. Of course, other ethnic groups within the department now feel threatened over their own mandated quotas.

As a member of the Los Angeles Police Department for over 28 years, it seems to me that the department is being eaten away from within and from outside. We are hiring officers who are not qualified or only view a career in law enforcement as a job, not as a commitment to the citizens we are paid “to protect and to serve.”

I don’t believe the taxpayers give one hoot whether the officer who responds to their call for help is a female or male officer, or whether the officer is black, brown, white, yellow, green or purple. They just want quality service for the good wages they pay us to do our work. It’s time to stop all the rhetoric and jockeying for political advantage at the expense of a still damn fine Police Department!


DETECTIVE PAUL MIZE, South Bureau Homicide, LAPD
