
Layoffs, Program Cuts Reported at Museum


In the second round of staff cuts this year at the Newport Harbor Art Museum, at least two more employees were laid off and a 15% cut in programming is reportedly planned.

Accountant Karen Abels and editor Sue Henger were given notice Tuesday, effective Sept. 30. According to several sources, another senior employee was also laid off, and programs will be cut.

Ables has worked at the museum for 11 years. Henger has worked there for 15 years and has been responsible for editing museum catalogues and brochures.


Seven months ago, the contemporary art museum eliminated four full-time and two part-time positions to help reduce an anticipated deficit of more than $650,000. The cuts would save $160,000 by Sept. 30, the end of the 1991-92 fiscal year. The annual museum budget is $2 million.

At the time, museum spokeswoman Maxine Gaiber said the museum foresaw no further staff reductions.

But “the grants haven’t been coming in. The memberships are down. Even though expenses are down, we’re not in good shape,” Abels said Thursday.


“I guess they’ve tried to get along with as few people as they possibly could in each department and still be able to function,” she added. “We are pressed to get the work out right now.”
