
David R. Brown has been appointed president...

David R. Brown has been appointed president of Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. Brown is the former president of the American Institute of Graphic Arts and former vice president of communications of Champion International Corporation. He will replace Don Kubly, who will retire in December after serving as president for 22 years.

Arthur J. Ludwick of Glendora was named president of the Citrus College Foundation. Ludwick is employed by Rainbird Sprinkler Corporation. The foundation provides scholarships for fine arts students.

Edward Stone of Pasadena has been awarded the Distinguished Public Service Medal for 1985 by the National Aeronautics and Spoace Administration. Stone is a physics professor and chairman of the physics, mathematics and astronomy division at Caltech.


Dr. Nancy Kaser-Boyd has been named director of psychology at Ingleside Hospital in Rosemead. Kaser-Boyd is a clinical assistant professor at USC School of Medicine.

Don L. Anderson of Altadena has been awarded the Emil Weichert Medal, the highest honor of the German Geophysical Society, for his research and theories on the structure and formation of the earth, moon and planets. Anderson is a geophysics professor and director of the Caltech Seismological Laboratory.

Margaret J. Hartman, assistant vice president for academic affairs at California State University, Los Angeles, has been named acting dean of graduate studies. Hartman, of Pasadena, previously served as chairman of the biology department.


Carl Ernst, assistant professor of religion at Pomona College in Claremont, has been awarded a Fulbright grant to study medieval Indo-Muslim society in India. Ernst, who teaches comparative religion and Islamic studies at Pomona College, received a Fulbright grant in 1978 for dissertation research in Iran. Fulbright grants are awarded to outstanding American professors, graduate students and teachers to conduct research in other countries.
