
IndustryGuide with editions for Warner Center ($15),...

IndustryGuide with editions for Warner Center ($15), the San Fernando Valley ($30), Conejo Valley ($20) and Ventura County ($20), (published by Project Development Co., 31255 Cedarvalley Drive, Suite 324, Westlake Village 91362, add $3 for postage and handling) contain comprehensive listings of manufacturing and industry support services, statistical and demographic abstracts and maps of industrial sites for each area; updated and expanded since previous editions.

The Builders’ Guide to Office Management, published by the National Assn. of Home Builders and aimed at small-volume home builders, discusses methods and principles builders can use immediately and also tells how to plan for growth in clear, common-sense language understandable by company personnel at all levels. 128 pages; 59 sample charts, forms and documents; $14 to association members, $17.50 to non-members, with $2 for postage and handling in both cases; can be ordered from Publication Orders, Accounting Division, National Assn. of Home Builders, 15th and M Streets, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20005.

The Real Estate Syndicator’s Handbook by Charles Klotsche (360 pages, Prentice-Hall Inc., Business & Professional Books Division, Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 97632; $39.95) offers advice to investors, syndicators, brokers and advisers. It covers such topics as standard guidelines for syndicators’ fees, commissions and equity participations; the impact of 1984 tax legislation on tax-oriented offerings, and how syndications are structured to meet investors’ objectives. It also has sample documents that meet full-disclosure requirements.
