
Career Women Tell Survey They’d Like Sex Twice a Day


More than 40% of the nation’s career women would like to make love twice a day but only half of them manage a sexual encounter once or twice a week, according to a Savvy magazine study.

Psychologist Srully Blotnick, who conducted the survey, said: “Women like the idea of starting and finishing the day in a warm and emotional way. The reality is that many of them don’t have sex that often. They say they’re lucky if they have it twice a week.”

The survey of 1,128 respondents challenges the myth that female executives are either too tired or too busy to enjoy sex.


The report also showed that the more successful a woman is, the more likely she is to hug and kiss her partner in public. Women who bring in more than $75,000 a year are twice as likely to show a public display of affection, the survey showed.
