
New Ralphs Hiring Policy

I was sickened by the story in The Times (June 10) about the Ralphs Grocery firing their long-term employees and/or demoting them in favor of hiring cheaper, new employees.

It’s a crime when a company like Ralphs can make $43 million in profit and then ask valued long-term workers to take a 50% cut in salary and accrued benefits. Obviously the company wasn’t in dire straights, about ready to go belly up with those kind of profits. It simply wanted to offer its rich investors better stock dividends and profit margins.

Southern Californians must do three things to insure their job futures. First, labor must strengthen its collective bargaining power and make that power pay off at the ballot box at election time. Second, effective boycotts of unscrupulous companies must be organized so that business understands that their labor force will not tolerate unfair treatment. Third, something must be done to stem the inexhaustible tide of cheap and starving labor in the form of undocumented workers coming here illegally who are willing to work for below-poverty wages and no social benefits.


Wake up, Californians. Remember, the next job you save just may be your own.


